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събота, ноември 29, 2008


http://picasaweb.google.com/nddjambazki4/PensSPourLeFuturEtLePass?authkey=SGQByKXnY18# Албум http://www.voininatangra.org/modules/ipboard/index.php?showtopic=2193&st=0&#entry33221 http://www.wat.tv/video/interview-ex-illuminati-partie1-h880_fxa2_.html http://pages.infinit.net/sentinel/index.htm http://www.syti.net/Links.html http://www.conspiration.cc/ David Icke Newsletter Preview CRYSTAL SKULLS ... BOSNIAN PYRAMIDS ... ... AND THE GIZA MYSTERY SOLVED? The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday I had a smashing weekend at the Histories and Mysteries Conference last week in Edinburgh, Scotland, which featured the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull and some fascinating experts and researchers in their various fields. It is amazing to see what remarkable discoveries are being made by scientists and researchers who refuse to be imprisoned by convention, nor concede their right to free thought to the purveyors of ridicule and condemnation. I have come across the legend of the crystal skulls from time to time and the theme has been brought to the fore again this year with the film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ... ... The experts at Hewlett-Packard pointed out that while an estimated 80% of the earth's surface contains quartz crystal, large pieces of pure quartz from which the skull is made were very uncommon. They said that whoever made the skull would have had no way of knowing when they began if there were fractures or holes inside and if they made one mistake they would have had to start again with another piece of quartz. They also found that it was made from a particular type of crystal. The authors write: '.. the scientists at Hewlett-Packard were able to uncover one more potential clue to the mystery of the crystal skull. Other tests showed that the skull was not only made from a single piece of natural quartz, but from 'piezo-electric' silicon dioxide, precisely the type of naturally occurring quartz that is so widely used in modern electronics.' The 'piezo-electric' qualities of some quartz crystal were apparently only discovered, in the modern world at least, by the husband of Marie Curie in the latter years of the 19th century. It means that the skull has a positive and negative polarity, like a battery, and is capable of generating electricity. The experts also identified other extraordinary properties of the skull with regard to its interaction with electricity and light. skull http://www.davidicke.com/content/blogcategory/30/48/ http://www.ldi5.com/archeo/crist.php Демоно-крадците са царе на димките !!! http://www.xnetbg.com/new/forum/index.php?topic=4212.msg164853#new В рубриката "Това ми хареса и не само": "Небесен триптих" "... Не е. То е оповестяване на непознати досега части от цялото. Възвестяването е фрагмент от опознаването, от постепенното постигане на Истинността. "Опознай себе си!" е велик завет на Древността. Той ни учи да бъдем самите ние, да пазим жив Огъня на своите Искри. Защото огънят се преодолява с помощта на Огън. Смъртта със смърт се поправя. Животът с Живот се поддържа. Ако изменим на себе си, ако станем други, тогава няма да сме ние. Искрата ще ни е напуснала и Огънят ще е угаснал.Не мислете дали ще ви разберат. Стига ви вие самите себе си да разбирате. Не подражавайте никому. Бъдете различни, и нека Силата, скрита във вашата Различност, ви води!"Елтимир http://www.voininatangra.org/modules/ipboard/index.php?showtopic=1678&st=60 Позволявам си да допълня, во кратце, авторът: Дааа, ПЪТЯТ тръгва от нас самите, не го търсете при другите !!! Веднъж хванете ли го, не се отклонявайте от него, това е Вашият Път, предназначен за Вас от дядо Боже. Пътят може да е страшен, но ще е славен и сте длъжни да го извървите, защото това е предназначението на Вашето раждане. http://www.conspiration.cc/ ET MIND-CONTROL. Valery Uvarov, ufologiste russe affirme que des membres des services secrets spéciaux russes lui ont confié que la technologie extranéenne pouvait lire l'hologramme et l'esprit des humains par leur profil psycologique ou façon de pensée et s'immiscer dans leur esprit. Voià pourquoi ils vous fournissent des cartes de crédits, à points, à rabais pour connaître tous les moindre achats et avoir un profil physique et psychologique du consommateur humain terrien, vous et moi. LIEN ACTIF Contrôle de l'Esprit: éteignez vos télévisions: le dr. Persinger en 1995-96 publia les résultats de ses recherches sponsorisées par la NSA et la Marine américaine sur le contrôle de l'esprit. Imaginez où ils sont rendus en 2008. Cette vidéo que j'ai montrée en conférence cet autome m'a été demandée. La voici sur DailyMotion. Faites circuler. Vous comprendrez pourquoi les secondes de silence sont vendues à CocaCola et autres bizbilles de formatage mental... et pourquoi les gens deviennent de plus en plus des robots boiteux. http://www.bladi.net/forum/106250-controle-mental/